Journal Papers
- Ö. Eğecioğlu and Ç. K. Koç.
A fast algorithm for rational interpolation via orthogonal polynomials.
Mathematics of Computation, 53(187):249-264, July 1989.
- Ç. K. Koç and P. F. Ordung.
Schwarz-Christoffel transformation for the simulation of two
dimensional capacitance.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design,
8(9):1025-1027, September 1989.
- Ö. Eğecioğlu, Ç. K. Koç, and
A. J. Laub. A recursive doubling algorithm for solution of tridiagonal
systems on hypercube multiprocessors.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,
27(1+2):95-108, 1989.
- Ö. Eğecioğlu, E. Gallopoulos, and
Ç. K. Koç. Parallel Hermite interpolation:
An algebraic approach.
Computing, 42(4):291-307, 1989.
- Ö. Eğecioğlu, E. Gallopoulos, and
Ç. K. Koç. Fast computation of divided differences and
parallel Hermite interpolation.
Journal of Complexity, 5(4):417-437, December 1989.
- Ö. Eğecioğlu, E. Gallopoulos, and
Ç. K. Koç. A parallel method for fast and practical
high-order Newton interpolation.
BIT, 30(2):268-288, 1990.
- Ö. Eğecioğlu and Ç. K. Koç.
Parallel rational interpolation.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics,
32(3+4):217-231, 1990.
- Ç. K. Koç and C. Y. Hung.
Multi-operand modulo addition using carry save adders.
Electronics Letters, 26(6):361-363, 15th March 1990.
- Ç. K. Koç and C. Y. Hung.
Carry save adders for computing the product AB modulo N.
Electronics Letters, 26(13):899-900, 21st June 1990.
- P. Cappello, E. Gallopoulos, and Ç. K. Koç.
Systolic computation of interpolating polynomials.
Computing, 45(2):95-117, 1990.
- Ö. Eğecioğlu, Ç. K. Koç, and
J. R. I. Coma. Fast computation of continued fractions.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications,
21(2-3):167-169, 1991.
- Ç. K. Koç, P. Cappello, and E. Gallopoulos.
Decomposing polynomial interpolation for systolic arrays.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics,
38(3+4):219-239, 1991.
- Ç. K. Koç and C. Y. Hung.
Bit-level systolic arrays for modular multiplication.
Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 3(3):215-223, 1991.
- Ç. K. Koç and S. N. Arachchige.
A fast algorithm for Gaussian elimination over GF(2) and
its implementation on the GAPP.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
13(1):118-122, September 1991.
- Ç. K. Koç and G. Chen.
Parallel algorithms for Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation: The scalar case.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics,
40(1+2):99-115, 1991.
- Ç. K. Koç.
Comments on ``Residue arithmetic VLSI array architecture
for manipulator pseudo-inverse Jacobian computation''.
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation,
7(5):715-716, October 1991.
- Ç. K. Koç.
An improved algorithm for mixed-radix conversion of residue numbers.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications,
22(8):63-71, 1991.
- Ç. K. Koç.
High-radix and bit recoding techniques for modular exponentiation.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics,
40(3+4):139-156, 1991.
- K. V. K. Iyer, H. Ogmen, and Ç. K. Koç.
Landscape reshaping algorithm for additive neural
networks with application to graph mapping problems.
Electronics Letters, 28(2):109-111, 16th January 1992.
- Ç. K. Koç and S. C. Gan.
Parallel matrix multiplication on networked microcomputers.
Computers and Electrical Engineering,
18(2):145-152, 1992.
- Ç. K. Koç.
A parallel algorithm for exact solution of linear
equations via congruence technique.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications,
23(12):13-24, 1992.
- Ö. Eğecioğlu and Ç. K. Koç.
A parallel algorithm for generating discrete orthogonal polynomials.
Parallel Computing, 18(6):649-659, June 1992.
- Ç. K. Koç and C. Y. Hung.
Adaptive m-ary segmentation and canonical recoding
algorithms for multiplication of large binary numbers.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications,
24(3):3-12, 1992.
- Ö. Eğecioğlu and Ç. K. Koç.
Parallel prefix computation with few processors.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications,
24(4):77-84, 1992.
- Ç. K. Koç and G. Chen.
A fast algorithm for scalar Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation.
Numerische Mathematik, 64(1):115-126, 1993.
- Ç. K. Koç and P. Cappello.
Systolic arrays for integer Chinese remaindering.
Parallel Computing, 19(11):1303-1311, November 1993.
- Ç. K. Koç and G. Chen.
Inversion of all principal submatrices of a matrix.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
30(1):280-281, January 1994.
- G. Chen and Ç. K. Koç.
Computing matrix-valued Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation.
Linear Algebra and its Applications,
203-204:253-263, 1994.
- Ç. K. Koç and S. Johnson.
Multiplication of signed-digit numbers.
Electronics Letters, 30(11):840-841, 26th May 1994.
- Ç. K. Koç, G. Chen, and C. K. Chui.
Complexity analysis of wavelet signal decomposition and reconstruction.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
30(3):910-918, July 1994.
- Ç. K. Koç, A. Guvenc, and B. Bakkaloğlu.
Exact solution of linear equations on distributed-memory multiprocessors.
Parallel Algorithms and Applications,
3:135-143, 1994.
- Ö. Eğecioğlu and Ç. K. Koç.
Exponentiation using canonical recoding.
Theoretical Computer Science, 129(2):407-417, 1994.
- Ç. K. Koç, B. Bakkaloğlu, and L. S. Shieh.
Computation of the matrix sign function using continued fraction expansion.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
39(8):1644-1647, August 1994.
- Ç. K. Koç.
Montgomery reduction with even modulus.
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques,
141(5):314-316, September 1994.
- Ç. K. Koç and B. Bakkaloğlu.
Halley's method for the matrix sector function.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
40(5):944-948, May 1995.
- Ç. K. Koç.
Analysis of sliding window techniques for exponentiation.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 30(10):17-24, 1995.
- Ç. K. Koç, T. Acar, and B. S. Kaliski Jr.
Analyzing and comparing Montgomery multiplication algorithms.
IEEE Micro, 16(3):26-33, June 1996.
- Ç. K. Koç and B. Bakkaloğlu.
A parallel algorithm for functions of triangular matrices.
Computing, 57(1):85-92, 1996.
- Ç. K. Koç.
Parallel canonical recoding.
Electronics Letters, 32(22):2063-2065, 24th October 1996.
- B. Bakkaloğlu, K. Erciyes, and Ç. K. Koç.
A parallelization of Parlett's
algorithm for functions of triangular matrices.
Parallel Algorithms and Applications, 11(1-2):61-69, 1997.
- Ç. K. Koç and A. M. Apohan.
Inversion of cellular automata iterations.
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques,
144(5):279-284, September 1997.
- Ç. K. Koç and M. İnceoğlu.
A parallel algorithm for principal nth roots of matrices.
33(9):1735-1738, September 1997.
- Ç. K. Koç.
Parallel p-adic method for solving linear systems of equations.
Parallel Computing, 23(13):2067-2074, December 15, 1997.
- C. K. Sandalcı, Ç. K. Koç, and S. M. Goodnick.
Three dimensional Monte Carlo
device simulation with parallel multigrid solver.
International Journal of High Speed Computing,
9(3):223-236, 1997.
- S. S. Pennathur, C. K. Sandalcı, Ç. K. Koç
and S. M. Goodnick.
3D parallel Monte Carlo simulation of GaAs MESFETs.
VLSI Design, 6(1-4):273-276, 1998.
- Ç. K. Koç and B. Sunar.
Low-complexity bit-parallel canonical
and normal basis multipliers for a class of finite fields.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 47(3):353-356, March 1998.
- Ç. K. Koç and T. Acar.
Montgomery multiplication in GF(2^k).
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 14(1):57-69, April 1998.
- Ç. K. Koç and C. Y. Hung.
Fast algorithm for modular reduction.
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques,
145(4):265-271, July 1998.
- B. Sunar and Ç. K. Koç.
Mastrovito multiplier for all trinomials.
IEEE Transactions on Computers,
48(5):522-527, May 1999.
- A. Halbutoğulları and Ç. K. Koç.
Mastrovito multiplier for general irreducible polynomials.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 49(5):503-518, May 2000.
- A. Halbutoğulları and Ç. K. Koç.
Parallel multiplication in GF(2^k) using polynomial
residue arithmetic.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 20(2):155-173, June 2000.
- E. Savaş and Ç. K. Koç.
The Montgomery modular inverse - revisited.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 49(7):763-766, July 2000.
- B. Sunar and Ç. K. Koç.
An efficient optimal normal basis type II multiplier.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 50(1):83-87, January 2001.
- A. Levi and Ç. K. Koç.
Risks in email security.
Communications of the ACM,
44(8):112-112, August 2001.
- M. Aydos, T. Yanık, and Ç. K. Koç.
High-speed implementation of an ECC-based wireless
authentication protocol on an ARM microprocessor.
IEE Proceedings - Communications,
148(5):273-279, October 2001.
- T. Yanık, E. Savaş, and Ç. K. Koç.
Incomplete reduction in modular arithmetic.
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques,
149(2):46-52, March 2002.
- Ç. K. Koç and C. Paar.
Guest editors' introduction to special section on
cryptographic hardware and embedded systems.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 52(4):401-402, April 2003.
- A. F. Tenca and Ç. K. Koç.
A scalable architecture for modular multiplication based
on Montgomery's algorithm.
IEEE Transactions on Computers,
52(9):1215-1221, September 2003.
- B. Sunar, E. Savaş, and Ç. K. Koç.
Constructing composite field representations for
efficient conversion.
IEEE Transactions on Computers,
52(11):1391-1398, November 2003.
- F. Rodríguez-Henríquez and Ç. K. Koç.
Parallel multipliers based on special irreducible pentanomials.
IEEE Transactions on Computers,
52(12):1535-1542, December 2003.
- A. Levi, M. U. Çağlayan, and Ç. K. Koç.
Use of nested certificates for efficient, dynamic and trust
preserving public key infrastructure.
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security,
7(1):21-59, February 2004.
- E. Savaş, A. F. Tenca,
M. E. Çiftçibaşı, and Ç. K. Koç.
Novel multiplier architectures for GF(p) and GF(2^n).
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques,
151(2):147-160, March 2004.
- T. Wollinger, J. Pelzl, V. Wittelsberger, C. Paar,
G. Saldamlı, and Ç. K. Koç.
Elliptic and hyperelliptic curves on embedded µP.
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems,
3(3):509-533, August 2004.
- A. F. Tenca, E. Savaş, and Ç. K. Koç.
A design framework for scalable and unified multipliers
in GF(p) and GF(2^m).
International Journal of Computer Research,
13(1):68-83, 2004.
- E. Savaş, M. Naseer, A. A.-A. Gutub, and
Ç. K. Koç. Efficient unified Montgomery inversion
with multibit shifting.
IEE Proceedings - Computers and Digital Techniques,
152(4):489-498, July 2005.
- L. A. Tawalbeh, A. F. Tenca, and Ç. K. Koç.
A radix-4 design of a scalable modular multiplier with
recoding techniques.
IEEE Potentials, 24(2):16-18, April/May 2005.
- M. Kim and Ç. K. Koç.
A simple attack on a recently introduced hash-based strong-password
authentication scheme. International Journal of Network
Security, 1(2):77-80, September 2005.
- M. Kim and Ç. K. Koç.
A simple attack on a recently introduced hash-based secure user
authentication scheme.
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security,
6(5B):157-160, May 2006.
- S. S. Erdem, T. Yanık, and Ç. K. Koç.
Polynomial basis multiplication in GF(2^m).
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae,
93(1-3):33-55, September 2006.
- M. Kim and Ç. K. Koç.
Vulnerabilities in the Adachi-Aoki-Komano-Ohta micropayment scheme.
International Journal of Network Security,
4(2):235-239, March 2007.
- O. Acıiçmez, J. P. Seifert, and
Ç. K. Koç. Micro-architectural cryptanalysis.
IEEE Security & Privacy,
5(4):62-64, July/August 2007.
- M. Kim and Ç. K. Koç.
A secure hash-based strong-password authentication protocol
using one-time public-key cryptography.
Journal of Information Science and Engineering,
24(4):1213-1227, July 2008.
- R. Steinwandt, W. Geiselmann, and Ç. K. Koç.
Guest editors' introduction to the special section on special-purpose
hardware for cryptography and cryptanalysis.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 57(11):1441-1442,
November 2008.
- E. Savaş and Ç. K. Koç.
Finite field arithmetic for cryptography.
IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine,
10(2):40-56, 2010.
- Ç. K. Koç.
Introduction to the Journal of Cryptographic Engineering.
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering,
1(1):1-3, April 2011.
- V. Trujillo-Olaya, T. Sherwood, and Ç. K. Koç.
Analysis of performance versus security in hardware
realizations of small elliptic curves for lightweight
applications. Journal of Cryptographic Engineering,
2(3):179-188, 2012.
- D. D. Chen, G. X. Yao, R. C. C. Cheung, D. Pao, and
Ç. K. Koç. Parameter space for the architecture of
FFT-based Montgomery modular multiplication.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 65(1):147-160, January 2016.
- C. Kızılkale, Ö. Eğecioğlu, and
Ç. K. Koç. A matrix decomposition method for optimal
normal basis multiplication.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 65(11):3239-3250, November 2016.
- W. Dai, D. D. Chen, R. C. C. Cheung, and Ç. K. Koç.
Area-time efficient architecture of FFT-based Montgomery multiplication.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 66(3):375-388, March 2017.
- N. Fern, İ. San, Ç. K. Koç, and K.-T. Cheng.
Hiding hardware Trojan communication channels in partially
specified SoC bus functionality.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems, 36(9):1435-1444, September 2017.
- W. Dai, D. D. Chen, R. C. C. Cheung, and Ç. K. Koç.
FFT-based McLaughlin's Montgomery exponentiation without
conditional selections.
IEEE Transactions on Computers, 67(9):1301-1314,
September 2018.
- E. Savaş and Ç. K. Koç.
Montgomery inversion.
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering,
8(3):201-210, September 2018.
- Z. Liu, P. Longa, and Ç. K. Koç.
Guest editors' introduction to the special issue
on cryptographic engineering in a post-quantum
world: State of the art advances.
IEEE Transactions on Computers,
67(11):1532-1534, November 2018.
- B. Peccerillo, S. Bartolini, and Ç. K. Koç.
Parallel bitsliced AES through PHAST: a single-source
high-performance library for multi-cores and GPUs.
Journal of Cryptographic Engineering,
9(2):159-172, June 2019.
- Ç. K. Koç.
Algorithms for inversion mod p^k.
IEEE Transactions on Computers,
69(6): 907-913, June 2020.
- J. Huang, J. Zhang, H. Zhao, Z. Liu, R. C. C. Cheung,
Ç. K. Koç, and D. Chen. Improved Plantard arithmetic
for lattice-based cryptography. IACR Transactions on
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems,
Volume 2022, No. 4, pages 614-636, 2022.
- G. Mao, D. Chen, G. Li, W. Dai, A. I. Sanka,
Ç. K. Koç, and R. C. C. Cheung.
High-performance and configurable SW/HW co-design of
post-quantum signature CRYSTALS-Dilithium.
ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology
and Systems, 16(3)44:1-28, 2023.
- Y. Tu, P. He, Ç. K. Koç, and J. Xie.
LEAP: Lightweight and efficient accelerator for sparse
polynomial multiplication of HQC.
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration
Systems, 31(6):892-896, 2023.
- P. He, Ç. K. Koç, and J. Xie.
Hardware-implemented lightweight accelerator
for large integer polynomial multiplication.
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters, 22(1):57-60, 2023.
- J. Huang, A. Adomnicăi, J. Zhang, W. Dai, Y. Liu,
R. C. C. Cheung, Ç. K. Koç,and D. Chen.
Revisiting Keccak and Dilithium Implementations on ARMv7-M.
IACR Transactions on
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems,
Volume 2024, No. 2, pages 1-24, 2024.
- P. He, S. C. Oliva Madrigal, Ç. K. Koç,
T. Bao, and J. Xie.
CASA: A Compact and Scalable Accelerator for Approximate
Homomorphic Encryption. IACR Transactions on
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems,
Volume 2024, No. 2, pages 451-489, 2024.
- J. Huang, H. Zhao, J. Zhang, W. Dai, Z. Liu,
R. C. C. Cheung, Ç. K. Koç, and D. Chen.
Yet another Improvement of Plantard Arithmetic for Faster Kyber
on Low-end 32-bit IoT Devices. IEEE Transactions on Information
Forensics & Security, Volume 19, pages 3800-3813, 2024.
→ Guangdong Computer Academy
Excellent Paper Award
- J. Zhang, Y. Yan, J. Huang, and Ç. K. Koç.
Optimized software implementation of Keccak, Kyber, and Dilithium
on RV{32,64}IM{B}{V}. IACR Transactions on
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems,
Volume 2025, Number 1, pages 632-655, 2025.
- P. He, Y. Tu, T. Bao, Ç. K. Koç, and J. Xie.
HSPA: High-throughput sparse polynomial multiplication
accelerators for code-based post-quantum cryptography.
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems,
Volume 24, Issue 1, pages 1-24, January 2025.
- S. Liu, Z. Liu, D. Chen, W. Dai, L. Zhou, Z. Liu, R. C. C. Cheung,
and Ç. K. Koç. MLFormer: A high performance MPC linear
inference framework for transformers. Journal of Cryptographic
Engineering, Volume 15, Number 2, pages 1-20, 2025.
- S. Ci, S. Hu, D. Guan, and Ç. K. Koç.
Privacy-preserving word vectors learning using partially
homomorphic encryption. Journal of Information Security
and Applications, to appear, 2025.