Yet another plagiarism
Access to Internet and hundreds of repositories on it gives ample opportunities to people to copy-paste articles and claim as one’s own. Often a few paragraphs, tables, or figures are plagiarised, and not-so-often but still common is the case almost an entire article is stolen.
This happened to my PhD student and co-author Wangchen Dai. Our article in which he is the first author was published in IEEE Transactions on Computers in 2017. The citation is:
W. Dai, D. D. Chen, R. C. C. Cheung, and Ç. K. Koç. Area-time efficient architecture of FFT-based Montgomery multiplication. IEEE Transactions on Computers, 66(3):375-388, March 2017.
The PDF of our original article is found here:
Recently an email from Google Scholar wrote that 2 Indian researchers (K. K. Kumari and V. Ramesh) from Vaagdevi Institute of Technology & Science published an article in so-called International Journal of Research in Advanced Engineering Technologies, pages 43-52, Volume 6, Issue 9, April 2018. The title is “Design of an efficient FFT-based Montgomery multiplication”. These imbecile plagiarists took screenshots of the algorithm descriptions, tables and figures from our article, and copy-pasted the text. There was a PDF link of the article but now it is broken. In fact, even the web site of the journal disappeared.